Posts Tagged ‘Syria’

Was ISIS Behind Syria Gas Attack?

April 13, 2017

Those who claim that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad  used poison gas against rebels need to consider the possibility that some members of his military are ISIS sympathizers.  Considering the reaction Assad generated when he previously used nerve gas, it seems unlikely he would use gas now.  He would be unlikely to receive any benefit from using gas.

ISIS could be the biggest potential beneficiary of  using gas because of the potential of an American response against Syria.  On the eve of World War II Germany created the appearance of  a Polish attack on a German radio station to justify  a German invasion of Poland.  ISIS could have had its operatives replace regular Syrian munitions with poison gas so that the Syrian government would appear to be responsible for using the gas.

I’m sure ISIS would love to get President Donald Trump to repeat President Barack Obama’s huge blunder in Libya.  Obama created  a political vacuum in Libya by overthrowing the government without the presence of a viable replacement.   Terrorists quickly took advantage of the opportunity to operate in Libya.   ISIS gained supporters from those upset about American and European “imperialism”.

Syrian rebels don’t appear any more capable of controlling the country than Libyan rebels were at the time of the Western invasion.   American overthrow of the Syrian government would give ISIS an opportunity  to replace the geographic base it is losing in Iraq.

Westerners sometimes ask why people in the Middle East hate western nations so much.   The people of the Middle East resent Western intervention in their countries.  The areas that today are the site of countries with names like “Egypt”, “Syria”, “Iran” and “Iraq” were  the locations of the capitals of great empires when Europeans were too primitive to have governments.   ISIS and other terrorist organizations claim they can restore a Middle Eastern empire.

Those who claim Adolf Hitler didn’t use poison gas in WWII ignore the gas chambers Hitler used to murder Jews.

Syria,  Bashar al-Assad, nerve gas, ISIS, President Trump, Libya, WWII, Germany

Obama Acted Like a Beleaguered Dictator

October 19, 2013

President Barack Obama’s use of riot police to deal with WWII veterans wishing to visit their war memorial is the type of action one would expect of a dictator who’s afraid protesters are attempting to overthrow him.

Obama’s obsession with keeping veterans away from their war memorial makes no sense. Why would a sane president do such a thing? Obama’s actions indicate he is a compassion less vindictive individual who doesn’t care about people. He wants to make himself feel important by pushing other people around.

Obama blundered badly in Syria. His proposal to bomb Syria was the political equivalent of jumping into a swimming pool without first checking to see if the pool contained any water.
He lost face and needed some other way to make himself feel important by pushing someone around.

The Honor Flights that take World War II vets to their war memorial are planned months in advance and cannot easily be rescheduled. Any delay in a fight may mean a veteran could die without getting to visit the memorial. Millions of WWII vets, including my father and my uncles, died before the memorial was completed. We owe the remaining veterans the opportunity to visit their Memorial.

WWII was the second most important war against a foreign power in American history. Only the Revolution was more important. Those who served took enormous risks. Thousands could die in a single battle.

the world War II Memorial really belongs to World War II veterans. The government merely takes care of it for them. Closing off access to veterans because of a government shutdown makes no more sense than closing down public roads.

The fall of more than one dictator has begun with an overreaction to peaceful protesters. Overreaction by the dictator can provoke others into joining the protest as has already happened with he World War II Memorial. Overreaction can cause some to decide that violence may be needed to topple the tyrant. This hasn’t happened yet but could happen in the future if Obama doesn’t change his attitude.

Obama needs to decide if he is a President or the 2-bit tyrant he acted like during the recent shutdown. Obama may have a tall body, but there is a little man inside.

Should Cabinet Relieve Obama of Presidential Duties?

October 15, 2013

The 25th Amendment of the Constitution assigns the vice president and members of the president’s cabinet the responsibility to monitor the president’s condition and relieve him of his duties if they determine he has a mental or physical condition that prevents him from effectively exercising the duties of his office. This responsibility is similar to the responsibility senior officers on a warship have to relieve a captain who is not able to effectively exercise his duties.

John F. Harris and Todd S. Purdum are reporting in Politico that: “Across the capital, anxious friends and chortling enemies alike are asking: What’s wrong with Obama?”

“It’s also true, as acknowledged even by sympathetic lawmakers and some former Obama West Wingers in recent background conversations, that his presidency is in a parlous state, with wounds that are lately self-inflicted.”

I’ve been concerned for some time that stresses of the office are adversely affecting Obama’s ability to function.

At times he seems to be losing touch with reality. For example, he seems unable to understand the seriousness of the scandals that are plaguing his administration. The scandals are as real as Watergate, not phony as Obama believes.

His irrational response to the recent chemical attack in Syria raises doubts about his fitness for office. A rational president would have waited for a thorough investigation and then presented evidence to the United Nations and/or the World Court to give them an opportunity to respond. Obama’s call for an immediate violent response before all the facts are in is the type of reaction I would expect from a drunk in a bar, not a president in full command of his mental faculties.

A rational president would realize that he needed to take time to convince Americans that the United States needed to get involved in another Vietnam, Iraq or Libya, etc.

Since Obama announced he wanted to bomb Syria, German intelligence has revealed that communications it monitored indicated that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had refused to authorize use of chemical weapons.

Russia is claiming it has evidence that rebels used the weapons. If so, it wouldn’t be the first time an anti-government force in the region stole weapons from the government or had its personnel masquerade as government forces.

In the movie the “Caine Mutiny” the defense council for the alleged mutineers tells the court that on those on the bridge of the U.S.S. Caine could know if the captain was unable to act effectively in an emergency, Those of us who have to view the president through the filter of the media. Only those on the bridge of the American ship of state know what Obama’s mental state is. Only they know for sure if the nation would be better off if Obama were temporarily removed from office.

Member of the president’s cabinet need to keep in mind that if Obama has been hurt by the stresses of the office and they fail to act, they will be responsible for an disaster that occurs.

25th Amendment: “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

Obama Wants Vigilante Type Attack on Syria

September 4, 2013

The important question in Syria isn’t whether Syria used chemical weapons on its own people or should be punished for doing so. The important question is whether the established legal procedures should be used or whether the United States will ignore the law and launch a “lynch mob” style vigilante attack on Syria.

America’s Imperial President Barack Obama has decided he is the Imperial Wizard of Earth and like other Imperial Wizards believes he can decide what punishment to apply for various infractions. Like other Imperial Wizards, he doesn’t believe he needs to seek the approval of the established legal authorities for his actions.

American leaders have long touted the idea of the rule of law in dealing with questionable activities. Law enforcement officials are supposed to act within an established legal framework that regulates how they deal with suspected lawbreakers. For example, they have to present evidence of illegal activity to a judge if they want to search a suspects residence. The courts, rather than law enforcement officers determine what punishment, if any, should be imposed.

Vigilantes don’t bother with using the legal system. If they believe someone has done something wrong they just impose whatever punishment they want.’ A unilateral attack by the United States against Syria would be a vigilante attack unless it is preapproved by an appropriate international body such as the United Nations or the World Court.

Congressional approval of Obama’s vigilante attack would tell the world that the United States is a hypocritical nation. Congress would be saying that the rule of law is good enough for the United States but not the smaller nations of the world. Congress would be saying that the smaller nations have to accept whatever treatment the Imperial United States wants to give them.

American Bombing of Syria Would Be Unjust and Immoral

August 31, 2013

Let me see if I’ve got this right. President Barack Obama has decided the Syria government has used unacceptable means of killing Syrians so Obama is considering demonstrating the acceptable way of killing Syrians by using conventional weapons to kill Syrians.

The fact that Obama is even considering such an action raises doubts about his sanity.

Killing residents of a country because the country’s government used chemical weapons to attack another country might be acceptable. However, the United States cannot justify punishing residents of a country because its government has mistreated them. Such an action would compound the original injury.

If the United States has evidence Syrian government officials have violated international law, the correct response would be to present the evidence to the World Court for prosecution for war crimes whenever prosecution becomes practical.

Killing even one innocent Syrian for a Syrian government official’s mistreatment of other Syrians would be murder. If Obama kills any civilians to “punish” Syrian government officials, Congress should impeach and remove Obama from office for the high crime of murder. The United States should then turn Obama over to the World Court for possible prosecution for war crimes.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution assigns the Vice President and member of the president’s cabinet the responsibility of monitoring a president’s mental and physical health and relieving him if it appears he is not mentally or physically able to properly handle the powers of the presidency. The responsibility is similar to the responsibility of senior officers on a ship to relieve a captain who has become unable to handle the captain’s duties.

If Obama is considering killing innocent Syrians to punish its government for mistreating other Syrians, the cabinet should ask mental health professionals to evaluate whether or not Obama should be relieved of his duties until such time as he regains the mental competence to handle the office responsibly.

Will Obomber Destroy Syria in Order to Save It?

August 28, 2013

In the Vietnam War a marine officer once commented that he was burning a Vietnamese village in order to save it. President Barack Obama’s threat to launch a terrorist bombing campaign against Syria would increase the destruction of the country without any guarantee that the government would let America’s Imperial President dictate how it should treat its citizens.

Such bombing campaigns have a history of failure. Germany’s massive bombing of England during World War II failure to cause the country to surrender as did the American bombing of North Vietnam in the sixties. The Russians had to intervene in the Serbian conflict after the American bombing campaign failed to change things. The United States had to invade Iraq a decade ago to get Saddam Hussein to get rid of his Weapons of Mass Destruction after the bombing campaign failed to produce compliance.

Imperial President Barack Obomber has already destroyed one Muslim country in his efforts to convince people that he is Emperor of the world. Libya still hasn’t recovered from his destructive efforts. His inept handling of Libya hasn’t given his European friends the control of Libyan oil that they wanted when they got him to support their attack on the country.

Bombings often produce what American terrorist Timothy McVeigh called “collateral damage”. President Bill Clinton’s attacks on Serbia damaged a hospital and the Chinese embassy. Obomber’s bombing of Libya murdered some members of Muammar Gaddafi’s family with his bombing campaign. How many innocent civilians will die in Syria if Obomber gets to launch a terrorist bombing campaign against the country? .

When did the President of the United States become god of the world? Who appointed the United States to decide how other countries should treat their citizens? Would Obomber attack Russia or China if they mistreated their citizens or does he just try to bully smaller countries that are too small to defend themselves against the imperialist United States?

The United States has no moral authority to dictate how other governments should treat people considering the government’s mistreatment of the country’s original residents and the way it allowed the mistreatment of the descendants of slaves in the century after the Civil War.