Archive for December, 2012

Is Hillary’s Malady a Concussion or a Stroke?

December 18, 2012

I initially thought Hillary’s “concussion” sounded a little too conveniently timed, you know like those ailments we got before school on days when we hadn’t completed the day’s assignment. However, now I’m wondering if all the precautions they are taking indicate her condition is more serious than we are being told.

Women Hillary’s age are susceptible to strokes, including so called “mini strokes”, that can cause falls. Hillary’s father died of a stroke which means she has a family history of stroke susceptibility.

The Obama administration attempts to minimize the appearance of problems such as the one Hillary was scheduled to testify about. Hillary herself would want to suppress any announcement that she had had a stroke, even a minor one with no significant damage, because voters might not vote for someone who had had a stroke for president.

The stress associated with testifying before Congress could cause an increase in blood pressure for those who testify and high blood pressure is a risk factor for strokes.

Women experiencing a stroke can have symptoms such as nausea and tiredness that are similar to other ailments.

With prompt treatment, which Hillary is likely to have received, significant damage can be avoided.

We probably will never know if Hillary had some type of stroke unless she has the courage to tell us. If she did have a stroke, I hope she has enough sense to realize she needs to find a less stressful career. I suspect she could name her salary if she decided to apply for a job at one of the cable news channels.

Congress Can Avoid Fiscal Cliff

December 12, 2012

A year and a half ago President Barack Obama and members of Congress signed a suicide pact that they would lead the nation over a “fiscal cliff” if they couldn’t agree on deficit reducing measures by the end of the Mayan calendar. The crackpots agreed to a measure that could impose taxing and spending changes that would be so drastic they could cause economic problems that would INCREASE the deficit by another trillion dollars. [Note: because of Congressional procedures and a desire for a Christmas break, members would need to reach an agreement by the date the Mayan calendar ends in order to get the legislation to President Obama by the end of the year.]

We don’t need to go over the fiscal cliff. Congress cannot pass legislation that Congress cannot change. If there are any sane members of Congress left, they should introduce legislation to repeal the measure requiring a deficit agreement by the end of this year or at least extend the deadline for another year. If past Congresses could violate agreements they reached with the Cherokee and the Sioux, the current Congress can rescind an agreement reached among its members during a period of collective insanity.

The main obstacle to an agreement is that Obama wants to increase taxes and spending and Republicans want to reduce both. Our system is based on compromise. Each side needs to give in on one issue. Obama should agree to let Republicans reduce spending in exchange for Republicans giving Obama a tax increase on those who can afford to pay higher taxes.

Lisa Miller – Virtual Slave

December 6, 2012

One of the worst abuses of American slavery was the fact that slave owners could take a mother’s children away from her and sell them to someone else.

The corrupt Vermont court system is treating Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella like they are slaves. A compassionless judge named William Cohen has forced Miller to leave the country to avoid having to turn her daughter Isabella over to a woman who is unrelated to Isabella.

While Lisa Miller was being treated at a state hospital for a suicide attempt, hospital personnel, of unknown sexual orientation, suggested to Lisa that she might be homosexual. Instead of going to an objective psychiatrist for evaluation she went to the homosexual run Whitman-Walker health clinic in the Washington, D.C., area where, not surprisingly, she was told she was homosexual. She subsequently developed a relationship with Janet Jenkins and decided to be artificially inseminated to have a child in 2002. The couple split up a year later.

Miller moved to Virginia and decided she didn’t like the homosexual lifestyle, probably because she wasn’t a homosexual to begin with. Initially there was a visitation arrangement for Isabella with Jenkins. Miller says she cut off the visitations because Isabella was uncomfortable with the visitations and according to Miller had talked of suicide.

Isabella’s talk of suicide could indicate Jenkins was sexually abusing her. The National Institute of Health has reported an increased risk of suicide among abused children. Sexual abuse of children can be difficult to deal with. Some children may be reluctant to talk about incidents. Other children may invent incidents.. Some abusers don’t consider what they are doing to be wrong even though society might disagree. One of the best examples is singer Michael Jackson not thinking he was doing anything wrong by sleeping in the same bed with young boys.

If there was physical contact, Jenkins might thought of it as as mother daughter thing, but Isabella might have thought of the contact with Jenkins in terms of Jenkins’ past physical relationship with Isabella’s biological mother.

Judge Cohen didn’t bother to examine the situation, but instead decided to punish Miller for not accepting his arbitrary orders by giving Jenkins custody of the child she is not biologically related to. In a traditional marriage relationship the male partner has a right to share custody of a child if he is the biological father. There is no legitimate reason to grant an equal right to custody of a mother’s child to a male or female partner who is not biologically related to the child. Only the mother should be allowed to decide if custody should be shared.

Granting custody rights to a non-related partner in effect makes the mother a slave. She becomes like the slave mothers whose children could be arbitrarily taken away from them and given to other unrelated individuals.

Vermont, or at least Judge Cohen, apparently supports some version of the archaic notion that a mother is the property of her partner and cannot act independently. Cohen apparently doesn’t believe that a mother has a right to protect her child from questionable behavior by someone the child is not biologically related to.

Homosexuality isn’t the only type of behavior a mother might conceivably object to in a former partner. Let’s consider the hypothetical situation of a mother who has adopted a vegan lifestyle and doesn’t want her child to have to spend time with a former partner who might feed the child meat that the mother believes is unhealthy and morally wrong. The difference between the mother and former partner wouldn’t need to be that great. The mother might be concerned that the former partner had unhealthy eating habits and would feed the child a lot of potato chips, candy, fatty foods, sugary drinks, etc..

Janet Jenkins is a woman. Unless she has some medical problem that prevents pregnancy, she can have her own baby. Lisa Miller worked 24 hours a day for nine months to make Isabella. Lisa’s body made Isabells without any help from the government or Janet Jenkins. If Janet Jenkins wants a child she should have one of her own and stop trying to use a corrupt court system to steal Lisa Miller’s child. Lisa Miller is supposed to be a free woman not a slave. The government shouldn’t be able to treat her like a slave whose child can arbitrarily be taken away and given to someone else.